RU Young Nude Camgirl Heaven

RU Young Nude Camgirls

Name: Eliene

Nickname: NudElenixx

Country: Switzerland

City: Wald

Age: 26

Sexuality: bi

Languages I speak: Swiss German, Standard German, French, Italian, English

Why did you become a camgirl?

Im into this to feel connected, express myself freely, and it just happens that making cash helps pay bills too. Being seen by fans excites me and makes the experience even more fun! The money part is just a nice bonus, really not my primary motivation at all. It gives me a sense of empowerment when I perform, so much more than just the money factor alone.

What is the best thing about being a webcam model?

Getting naked on camera makes me feel free, watching people tip and appreciate my performance excites me, and the power of controlling men while Im undressing turns them into putty. The feeling is just irresistible. My body feels amazing, seeing how guys enjoy it is so hot, getting money from that pleasure keeps me hooked. Watching their expressions as they tip, knowing my naughtiness thrills them gives me an insane buzz! This life isnt for the faint-hearted but being desired while taking off my clothes…oh yeah baby I absolutely adore it.

What is the funniest experience you ever had as a camgirl?

Once, I accidentally dropped a toy on my bed and started laughing uncontrollably at myself for being so clumsy in front of everyone watching. The audience got a kick out of it too! It turned into the most hilarious cam show that day!

What is your fetish, and do you show it on cam?

Yeah, my fetish is definitely exhibitionism. I love performing in front of others while stripping completely naked. Showing off for everyone to see just gets me so turned on, and its awesome that I can share my exhibitionist kink with a cam audience too. Theres something incredibly hot about being the center of attention and having all eyes focused on me as I take off every piece of clothing and let everyone watch.

What was your weirdest request while camming?

Kind sir, my weirdest request so far was when he asked me to play a game of hot or not with his toes. It was a unique experience, and I had to think fast to make the show enjoyable for him. After laughing about it later, I realized that sometimes the most bizarre requests can lead to the most memorable camming experiences.

What are your hobbies?

Oh, my favorite thing to do for fun is drawing cute animals! And you know what else I love doing when Im chilling at home alone? Listening to music while I create masterpieces on my tablet. Cant wait to show off all the pictures that I draw in my personal gallery someday!