Adult Phone Sex Encounters: Live Cams & Wild Strangers

Phone Sex Cams Strangers Live

Name: Sandra Stanislava

Nickname: SizzlingPhoneTemptress

Country: Slovenia

City: Lendava

Age: 36

Sexuality: bisexual

Languages I speak: Slovene, English

Why did you become a camgirl?

1. Oh, I became a camgirl to make easy money and have some wild fun. 2. My love for flaunting my body online just seemed like the best way to go about it all. 3. The thought of making others pleasure themselves while watching me got me super turned on too.

What is the best thing about being a webcam model?

i make my own hours, and its easy to connect with hot guys all around the world. I love being in control of my earnings while having some sexy fun on cam.

What is the funniest experience you ever had as a camgirl?

I once had this guy on my webcam, he accidentally spilled his coffee right on his keyboard just as we started to chat! He ended up laughing so hard, we continued talking even after he fixed it. The laughter in the room made everything more entertaining that day. I still chuckle when thinking about him and his unfortunate but funny situation during our conversation.

What is your fetish, and do you show it on cam?

My fetish is ball gags, and yeah, I often include them in my shows on cam to make things a little kinkier.

What was your weirdest request while camming?

Someone asked me to act like an exotic fruit, but that wasnt as interesting as you might think, really it was more like just sitting still for a while, I didnt even get the satisfaction of making anyone taste test. I guess my weirdest request is when they want me to dress up and role play their boss and they pretend to be an obedient employee at my office desk – so bizarre! They wanted to talk in third person for like 30 minutes while I played a game, just like some sort of fan fiction story or something? But whatever floats their boat, you know?

What are your hobbies?

Well, you see I love rock climbing because it gets me all worked up. Another thing that makes me feel alive is playing video games since theyre thrilling. I also enjoy knitting cozy blankets during my free time. Finally, watching funny movies can be really entertaining for a relaxed evening.