Live & Hot Camgirl Action – Experience Spanobang Pleasure!

Spanobang Pleasure Experience

Name: Aesha

Nickname: SpanabongAesha

Country: Egypt

City: Al minya

Age: 39

Sexuality: heteresexual

Languages I speak: Arabic, English

Why did you become a camgirl?

To be honest, I started doing this to earn some cash without much hassle and found out that its kind of fun. Theres just something about getting paid for sharing my wild side with strangers on the internet that gets me excited!

What is the best thing about being a webcam model?

X-tra cash for sure, its fantastic!

What is the funniest experience you ever had as a camgirl?

One time, during my live show, I got hit with an air freshener by a viewer who thought it would be funny to stink up my room while I danced. My clothes and hair were filled with that horrible smell! The audience laughed their asses off while I struggled through the stinky performance. Another camgirl said it was like one of those worst things happen to best kind of moments, but for me, its now one of my most unforgettable moments too – full of laughs and embarrassment. The air freshener-hurling prank still pops up on highlights reel, so even today I am reminded of that hilarious episode.

What is your fetish, and do you show it on cam?

Im into rimming and yes, it often makes my shows spicier.

What was your weirdest request while camming?

A guy once wanted me to pretend like I was eating a watermelon as he watched, but really, I had a giant cucumber instead and we both knew what it really looked like.

What are your hobbies?

Hey there! My favorite pastime is taking pictures with my camera. I also like to draw cute doodles and play games on my phone when I have spare time. And you know what? Reading mystery books can be quite enjoyable too! How about you, what are your interests? Lets share our hobbies!