Tix Porn – French Camgirl Coiffeuses Sensual Pleasures Await

Tix Porn French Camgirl Coiffeuse

Name: Coiffeuse

Nickname: CoifTixQueen

Country: France

City: Castelsarrasin

Age: 28

Sexuality: bi

Languages I speak: French, English

Why did you become a camgirl?

I love flashing my tits and teasing people on cam for no reason other than pure pleasure, plus I get some sweet ass toys from the tippers too! Besides, being naked online gives me such an amazing thrill thats so different than working a regular 9-5 job. You got any hot tips or dirty ideas to make my time on cam more fun?

What is the best thing about being a webcam model?

Feeling horny while getting naked on camera is just fantastic, my friends! Flexible hours let me choose when to show off for fans. The most exciting part is earning money for doing what I love!

What is the funniest experience you ever had as a camgirl?

Once, while I was streaming, my cat jumped onto my lap, making everyone on chat laugh uncontrollably because it looked like I was about to get busy with myself and then got interrupted by my kitty friend. That really turned things in a funny direction that day! It was such an amusing moment, we all had a great time talking about how life happens even when youre trying to be steamy.

What is your fetish, and do you show it on cam?

Tasteful toes, I guess you could say that. Oh yes, always happy to share my foot worship love during my cam sessions!

What was your weirdest request while camming?

This one guy asked me to role-play as his school teacher and use chalk on a blackboard, which he claimed to be very erotic. Another guy wanted me to sing him a nursery rhyme, then take my shirt off, all while keeping eye contact with the camera – I didnt really get that one, but I played along anyways! Lastly, this guy insisted on me talking dirty and making noises into an old fashioned rotary phone receiver; apparently he was into that sort of kinky stuff.

What are your hobbies?

One of my favorite pastimes is baking sweet treats like cookies and cakes for my friends. Another fun thing I enjoy doing during free time is creating art through photography, focusing on capturing natures beauty in its purest form.