StripChart Com: Naughty Webcam Babes Uncensored Adult Pleasures

Stripchart Com Adult Camgirls Pleasures

Name: Azusa

Nickname: StripKartAzu

Country: Hong Kong

City: Hong kong

Age: 25

Sexuality: bi

Languages I speak: Cantonese, Mandarin, English

Why did you become a camgirl?

sure thing, hun! You see, I always thought my sexual prowess and sensual charisma should be shared. So, why wait? Besides the dough, I love showing off my sexy self to strangers who appreciate it. And lets face it; life would be a little less thrilling without all this wild fun, wouldnt it?

What is the best thing about being a webcam model?

Zoning out to the pleasing voices and faces of horny customers makes it feel like youre performing for your personal fans, creating an intimate connection between yourself and the audience. Its also satisfying knowing you have what people crave to see in their free time, turning simple webcam interactions into a powerful sexual experience that keeps them coming back for more.

What is the funniest experience you ever had as a camgirl?

One time, during a live show, my internet went out and I couldnt reconnect for like half an hour. The viewers thought it was part of the show and kept tipping! They didnt realize that they were helping to pay for my internet fix! It ended up being the most expensive disconnection ever, haha.

What is your fetish, and do you show it on cam?

I love playing around with my toys and putting them in naughty places for the world to see. Watch me live on camera as I tease myself and play for my audiences pleasure. It excites me so much when you all watch and enjoy every second of it! I really think that everyone should experience this kind of thrilling exhibitionism!

What was your weirdest request while camming?

One of my strangest requests was from this guy who wanted me to pretend I had just finished cleaning out his dirty gutter outside my window, and he requested that I then spread the filthy water all over my naked body before using it as lubrication for a solo play session with one of my sex toys. So there I was, playing around on cam while drenched in imaginary disgusting rainwater and rubbing myself down like an animal, all while someone out there was enjoying this freaky performance from their screen. The more bizarre these requests get, the better I seem to enjoy them, but that gutter scene will forever be burned into my memory!

What are your hobbies?

My favorite hobby is p-h-u-l-e-s. Its like a workout but way more fun. I also love spinning around my hips in that big hoop called Hula hooping!